Campaign Updates
2002, 2020
Barbara Bolton discusses Legal Protections for Vegans in the Workplace with William Crawley on BBC Talkback Radio Ulster
20th February 2020 Barbara Bolton discus [...]
2001, 2020
Why has the Ulster Farmers’ Union Objected to Go Vegan World Advertising?
20th January 2020 Why has the Ulster Far [...]
2001, 2020
Go Vegan World’s Right to Freedom of Expression on Translink Bus Advertisements
Go Vegan World's Right to Freedom of Exp [...]
1701, 2020
Ulster Farmers’ Union attempts to have Go Vegan World ads removed from Belfast Buses
Ulster Farmers' Union attempts to have G [...]
1001, 2020
Is vegan fast food a good thing? BBC Radio Scotland – The Mornings Programme with Kaye Adams, 8 January 2020
Is vegan fast food a good thing? BBC Rad [...]
801, 2020
Should People Go Vegan? BBC Radio Ulster – Farming Matters 7 January 2020
Go Vegan World was invited onto BBC Radi [...]