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They Trust Us We Betray Them: Sandra Higgins discusses Go Vegan World’s Controversial ‘Spring Lamb’ ad on Liveline with Joe Duffy
Sandra Higgins discusses Go Vegan World's Controversial 'Spring Lamb' ad on Liveline 22.03.24 The new Go Vegan World ‘Spring Lamb’ advert has resulte [...]
Meat and Dairy Facts: Sandra Higgins on Newstalk radio
Meat and Dairy Facts, a joint initiative between Irish animal agriculture and the state agency, An Bord Bia, launches today. The campaign spokesperson [...]
Conflict of Interest in Scottish Government Hinders Progress on Land Use and Food Production
Conflict of Interest in Scottish Government Hinders Progress on Land Use and Food Production There is a persistent myth in Scotland, that we have no o [...]
Centering The Animals in their Own Animal Rights Movement, Animal Activists Forum 2019, Australia
Centering The Animals in their Own Animal Rights Movement, Animal Activists Forum 2019, Australia Other animals are frequently represented in the anim [...]
Is Dublin the most vegan friendly city in the world?
It is extremely doubtful that that is any substance to the ‘survey’ results released by luxury holiday company Hayes and Jarvis, declaring Dublin to b [...]
Tribunal Rules Vegetarianism Not Covered by Equality Law but Distinguishes Veganism
Tribunal Rules Vegetarianism Not Covered by Equality Law, but Distinguishes Veganism A UK employment tribunal has ruled that a Claimant’s belief in v [...]
Always for Animal Rights interview with Sandra Higgins, Director of Go Vegan World
Always for Animal Rights is a new radio show aired from Toronto and presented by Carolyn Harris. She recently interviewed our founder and director San [...]
Go Vegan World CLG is an international animal rights and advocacy organisation established as a not-for-profit company. It is founded on the notion that everyone has the fundamental right not to be owned, bred, used, harmed or killed, regardless of species. Living vegan respects these fundamental rights. Go Vegan World exists to educate the public on animal rights, to promote veganism, to dispel the myths that sustain animal exploitation, and to dismantle the legal property status of other animals.
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Go Vegan World CLG is an animal rights and advocacy organisation established as a not-for-profit company. It is founded on the notion that everyone has the fundamental right not to be owned, bred, used, harmed or killed, regardless of species. Living vegan respects these fundamental rights. Go Vegan World exists to educate the public on animal rights, to promote veganism, to dispel the myths that sustain animal exploitation, and to dismantle the legal property status of other animals . It is an advocacy body whose activities pertaining to animal rights and dismantling the legal property status of other animals do not fit within the definition of a charitable organisation in the Republic of Ireland, and it is, therefore, not a registered charity.