10 01, 2020

Bully Boy Tactics By The IFA Fail To Deflect From The Moral Issue of Animal Use exposed by Go Vegan World


Sandra Higgins of Go [...]

Bully Boy Tactics By The IFA Fail To Deflect From The Moral Issue of Animal Use exposed by Go Vegan World2020-01-13T18:48:11+00:00
7 01, 2018

Athlone Radio discusses Go Vegan World campaign which sparked controversy in the local farming community.


On Thursday’s Athlon [...]

Athlone Radio discusses Go Vegan World campaign which sparked controversy in the local farming community.2018-01-07T09:40:13+00:00
16 05, 2017

Tearing Down the Truth: Open Letter to the People of Northern Ireland following Vandalised Vegan Billboard


Tearing down the Tru [...]

Tearing Down the Truth: Open Letter to the People of Northern Ireland following Vandalised Vegan Billboard2017-05-17T06:06:21+01:00
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