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Newstalk Radio Lunchtime Live Interview on UN Recommendation of Plant Based Diets

Climate change, loss of biodiversity, environmental collapse, and global pandemics are all in the news at the moment from our daily news feeds that re [...]

Win for animal rights as Translink backtracks on rejection of Go Vegan World ads

Win for animal rights as Translink backtracks on rejection of Go Vegan World ads 7 March 2020 Summary In January 2020, the public body responsible for [...]

Barbara Bolton discusses Legal Protections for Vegans in the Workplace with William Crawley on BBC Talkback Radio Ulster

20th February 2020 Barbara Bolton discusses Legal Protections for Vegans in the Workplace with William Crawley on BBC Talkback Radio Ulster Our Legal [...]

Sandra Higgins discusses the rights of vegans in the workplace on East Coast FM radio

19th February 2020 Sandra Higgins discusses the rights of vegans in the workplace on East Coast FM radio Go Vegan World has done extensive work on the [...]


Go Vegan World CLG is an international animal rights and advocacy organisation established as a not-for-profit company. It is founded on the notion that everyone has the fundamental right not to be owned, bred, used, harmed or killed, regardless of species. Living vegan respects these fundamental rights. Go Vegan World exists to educate the public on animal rights, to promote veganism, to dispel the myths that sustain animal exploitation, and to dismantle the legal property status of other animals.

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Go Vegan World CLG is an animal rights and advocacy organisation established as a not-for-profit company. It is founded on the notion that everyone has the fundamental right not to be owned, bred, used, harmed or killed, regardless of species. Living vegan respects these fundamental rights. Go Vegan World exists to educate the public on animal rights, to promote veganism, to dispel the myths that sustain animal exploitation, and to dismantle the legal property status of other animals . It is an advocacy body whose activities pertaining to animal rights and dismantling the legal property status of other animals do not fit within the definition of a charitable organisation in the Republic of Ireland, and it is, therefore, not a registered charity.

Sandra Higgins

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